Client Learning Portal
Please read before making any changes to your website!
Welcome! Here you can find how-to videos for website maintenance tasks such as changing images and text and adding new blog posts.
If you’re looking for any information pertaining to your website, check your website owner’s manual first. This document was sent to you when your website first launched and contains all of the login information you will need.
IMPORTANT-Please always remember to take a backup of your site before you make any changes. Websites are finicky, and even though I’ve set them up to automatically take downloads every day, it doesn’t hurt to take another copy before you make changes as an added security measure. Below is the video on how to do that!
Below is a list of resources that I’ve found very helpful as a small business owner. Full disclosure-some of these contain affiliate links, but I will never recommend something to you that I don’t use and love myself.