Finch Flower Co


Finch Flower Co is a unique concept – a vintage Ford truck that brings fresh flowers to your event and you can build your own bouquets. A unique concept with a unique e-com model! We wanted to create a website as beautiful as the branding (done by our friends over at the Homegrown Studio) and one that would encourage flower enthusiasts to reserve bouquets ahead of the events or book the truck for their own private event. The website also needed to be easy for the owner to update frequently as her schedule of events changes.


I love when a client comes to us with a new business challenge that can be solved with custom web dev! We needed a way for customers to be able to reserve a bouquet at a specified upcoming event that Nina and Birdie (the truck) would be attending. The “reserve a bouquet” page allows folks to choose which size bouquet they’d like, pay ahead, let the owner know how they can be reached, and specify which event they are reserving for. We used a piece of software called StudioCart to achieve this functionality, with a Square payment processor integration. This was an absolute dream project and we loved working with owner Nina!


I’ve been riding my whole life, and like to take my horse Lilly out on trail rides behind our house – along with our two goats!

-Emily King, owner