Ice Rose Farm

farm website


Ice Rose Farm is a local farm that needed a simple online presence created. The owners are committed to quality; in the goods they sell, the services they provide, and the care and of their livestock. Investing in custom branding and a new website ensures that their customers recognize that quality from their first interaction with the farm.


This website is built using some of my favorite techniques that can make a one page website feel like a full website experience. The branding is sleek and minimal, and incorporates three completely different elements that have meaning for the owners. Some of my favorite projects have been working with farms and this one was no exception! I can’t wait to see how they grow and expand their agricultural offerings.

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“Everything looks so beautiful!  Wow!  I’m just absolutely blown away.”

I’ve been riding my whole life, and like to take my horse Lilly out on trail rides behind our house – along with our two goats!

-Emily King, owner