Mantra Copy

copywriter brand strategist website


From the owner: At Mantra, our mantra is create, connect, and grow. We love to write powerful copy and create mindful marketing strategies to capture and spread the spirit of your message – so you grow your bottom line. We develop mindful strategies designed and executed to motivate your audience to action, no matter where they are. We offer customized plans to meet your unique needs.

Jean needed a new website that communicated the value she brings to her clients as a professional copywriter and marketing problem solver. I’ve worked with Jean for a few years now, and she is a talented marketer and awesome human! We collaborated to create a website that represents her style visually, but will still appeal to professional organizations.


We started with a strategy session to work through the organization of the website. We like to keep the website navigation simple as much as possible, and we whittled down the amount of pages from nine to five. We used some subtle but fun animations throughout the site to bring visual interest, and integrated a Calendly app where clients can book a free call with Jean.

She also has a really unique portfolio full of different projects, and I wanted to showcase them in an attractive way. Showcasing copy projects isn’t always easy, because you don’t want to just copy and paste the words. I created mockup images for several of her projects, and showcased these in a password-protected portfolio page. Because some of her work is proprietary, Jean is able to share the page & password with folks at her discretion.

We love how this site came out, and are so excited for Jean and Mantra Copy!

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“Everything looks so beautiful!  Wow!  I’m just absolutely blown away.”

I’ve been riding my whole life, and like to take my horse Lilly out on trail rides behind our house – along with our two goats!

-Emily King, owner