MassQHA is an organization I volunteer extensively with. Our website was outdated and constantly going down, so the goal with this rebuild was to create an attractive but functional website that made it easy for people to find the information they are looking for quickly.


MassQHA uses their website to relay information on a lot of different events and programs to their membership. This website needed to be easy to navigate, so although I do love getting fancy and using fun backgrounds and animations, I kept it simple with this one. I also created a custom membership form and integrated Paypal on the site, allowing members to join or renew their membership and pay online. This is an automation that will save the club time and money.

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“Everything looks so beautiful!  Wow!  I’m just absolutely blown away.”

I’ve been riding my whole life, and like to take my horse Lilly out on trail rides behind our house – along with our two goats!

-Emily King, owner